Until recently, the secrets of Brad Pitt’s youth were legendary. Everything became clear after a British plastic surgeon compared pictures of the actor in 2020 and 2023. Pitt, the expert claimed, had undergone a circular facelift – this is indicated by a characteristic scar on his ear. It is unknown when exactly the celebrity underwent the procedure, because he himself never commented on the obvious. Fans are sure that the actor has recently been to the surgeon, perhaps several times: in the latest photographs from the social premiere of the film about Bob Marley, he looks even fresher.
Observant fans are delighted with the actor’s elastic skin and clear cheekbones, which, as the whistleblower said, are one of the main advantages of the procedure. It’s hard not to notice the blonde locks and eyebrows that Brad, apparently, is tinting. Some fans are upset by this fact, but others try to face the truth: “He’s 60 years old, he can’t be young forever,” “The operation is high-quality, we wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for the surgeon’s comments,” “I don’t blame him for dyed hair, It suits him.”
Note that even the surgeon who revealed Brad’s secret praised the quality of the procedure. The author of a masterpiece should definitely think about revealing his identity. For celebrities who simply can’t help but experiment with their appearance, a good doctor wouldn’t hurt.