Angelina Jolie Shows Off Her Back Tattoos At Venice Film Festival – See All Her Tattoos

Wow 🔥 Angelina Jolie Flaunts Her Back Tattoos at the Venice Film Festival – Take a Closer Look at All Her Ink! 🖤✨

If there’s one thing we’re loving in 2024, it’s a beautifully done tattoo. We’re all on Pinterest boards, looking at the beautiful tattoos and colors people have on their bodies, and we always love it when we see a new tattoo on one of our favorite celebrities.

While some celebrities get tattoos of completely random things that they think look cool, there are also many celebrities who only get tattoos that have special meaning to them. One celebrity who always gets tattoos that have incredible meaning to them is Angelina Jolie

When Jolie burst onto the scene as an A-lister, she was known for her bold tattoos, her body covered in dragons and references to her then-husband, Billy Bob Thornton. Fast forward to 2024, however, and not only is her entire back mostly covered in tattoos, but she has tattoos all over her body that symbolize her struggles, her life, and most importantly, her six beautiful children.

In total, Jolie appears to have over 20 tattoos on her body, ranging from small initials to cultural tattoos that take up most of her back. Most recently, at the 2024 Venice Film Festival, Jolie showed off her tattooed skin in a backless dress.

This new foray got us thinking: Do people know all the meanings behind her beautifully crafted tattoos? Well, get ready for a deep dive, because that’s exactly what we’re about to do. (We won’t be discussing the tattoos she’s had covered up and/or removed, though, because there’s probably a reason she did it, and we don’t want to dredge up old memories.)

In honor of Jolie’s headline-grabbing image, check out all of the tattoos on her body, including photos, locations, and meanings, below:

Yant Phutson Sak Yant and Yant Wihan Fa Chad Sada Tattoos

One of Jolie’s largest tattoos is the Yant Phutson Sak Yant and Yant Wihan Pha Chad Sada tattoos along her back and spine. According to Sak Yant Chiang Mai, it was inked by Thai monk Ajarn Nu Kanpai.

The top one is Sak Yant Phutson, which is the supreme talisman and multi-purpose. It is said to represent great favor in action as well as good fortune.

The lower one – Yant ViHan Pha Chad Sada – is also meant for protection, but it also appears to represent the elements of earth, water, wind and fire.

Swallow Tattoo

Jolie debuted a new tattoo at the 77th Annual Tony Awards: a small bird on her chest. It’s a swallow, but it’s unclear what exactly the tattoo pays homage to

Abstract finger design

In the summer of 2023, Jolie debuted a tattoo on her middle finger (which you can see if you look closely). In fact, it’s reportedly a tribute to her love of razor blades.

“Stay Gold” tattoo

Earlier in 2024, Jolie debuted the tattoo on the red carpet at the premiere of  Cast Away.   The cursive tattoo reads “Stay Gold,” paying homage to her time working on   Cast Away  . Apparently, one of the characters, Ponyboy, says “Stay Gold” in the play.

Roman Numerals Tattoo

Jolie also has two rows of Roman numerals on her left forearm: one with the number 13 and one with 13/5/1940. According to Style Craze, while 13 is considered an unlucky number, it appears she got it to show rebellion. As for the second row, it appears to be a tribute to Winston Churchill’s moment. Specifically, it honors the “blood, toil, tears, and sweat” speech he gave that same day.


Below the elbow, on the left forearm, is a quote: “A PRAYER FOR THE CAGED WILD HEARTS.” Not only is this the subtitle of Tennessee Williams’ 1941 play  Staircase to the Roof,   but it is also a prayer.

When Rolling Stone asked her about her tattoos, she said, “So it’s kind of a prayer for everyone to find their own happiness, to break free… All that makes us comfortable are the cages around us.”

Tattoo “Buddhist Swirls”

Jolie’s left forearm features Buddhist swirls, which the body art guru says bring protection, blessings and good luck.

Tattoo “W”

Okay, a lot of people are wondering about this tattoo. If you look closely at this photo, you’ll see a faint letter that is either a “W” or an “M,” but both are tributes to her late mother, Marcheline Bertrand. However, Jolie confirmed that it is a “W” in an essay for The New York Times , sharing that the “W” on her arm represents the Rolling Stones track “Winter,” which reminds her of her late mother.

However, if you turn it over, you can see the letter “M” – the first letter of her mother’s name.

“Persian” tattoo

This tattoo on her right forearm is a line from the Persian poet Rumi that reads, “There is a field beyond all notions of good and evil. I will meet you there.”

Yant Crow Patch (Diamond Armor) Tattoo

According to Style Craze, Jolie has a diamond armor tattoo, or Yant Crow Patch tattoo, on the right side of her back, which was also done by Ajarn Nu Kanpai. It is said to represent the protection and/or virtues of Buddha.

According to Sak Yant Chiang Mai, it also symbolizes good luck, virtue, wealth and success in business.

Whiskey Bravo Tattoo

In 2010, Jolie got a tattoo on her upper thigh that reads “Whiskey Bravo” in honor of Brad Pitt and her love of aviation.

Tattoo “H”

She has the letter “H” tattooed near her left wrist. Unlike many of her tattoos, we don’t actually know the meaning of this one. However, she told Rolling Stone that “there are two people in my life who have that letter that I’m very close to and who I love and cherish.”

Tattoo “Geographical coordinates”

While many fans remember the iconic dragon tattoo with “Billy Bob” written over it, she had it removed shortly after her divorce. She now has the birthplace coordinates of all her children and her ex-husband Brad Pitt’s birthplace on her right arm (we don’t know if it will be removed in 2024, though).

Tattoo “Arabic language”

Years ago, Jolie got the word “determination” in Arabic writing, and according to Jolie, it means “willpower.” According to Body Art Guru .

Tattoo “Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit”

The second tattoo on her stomach is the phrase “Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit,” which means “what nourishes me destroys me,” according to Style Craze.

Tattoo “Cross”

Many remember that Jolie had a blue dragon tattoo on her stomach, but later covered it with two tattoos. One of the tattoos is a square cross, which she got in 1995, the day before her wedding to Jonny Lee Miller.

Tattoo “Khmer script”

On the left side of her back, near her shoulder, Jolie got Khmer writing over her Chinese symbol tattoo (which read “death”). This tattoo is actually a prayer tattoo in honor of her son Maddox. According to Style Craze, this tattoo is meant to protect him from bad luck.

It is reported to mean: “May your enemies flee far away from you; If you acquire wealth, let it remain yours forever; Your beauty will be that of an Apsara; Wherever you go, many will accompany you, serve you and protect you, surrounding you on all sides.”

According to Sak Yant Chiang Mai, the five rows have different meanings. The first row prevents unjust punishment, the second row protects, the third row protects against curses, the fourth row symbolizes good luck, and the fifth row symbolizes gaining charisma.

Tattoo “Know your rights”

In 2004, she also got a tattoo on her upper back that reads “Know Your Rights,” a reference to the Clash song of the same name. (The Clash is her favorite band!)

Bengal Tiger Tattoo

One of Jolie’s first tattoos was a Bengal tiger tattoo on her back. According to Vanity Fair , she got the tattoo in 2004 to honor her Cambodian citizenship (and her commitment to wildlife conservation). It was done by Ajarn Nu Kanpai, who also blessed the tattoo. Additionally, the tattoo covered an “Ancient Dragon” tattoo she had gotten a few years earlier.

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