«Snoop Dogg’s pictures wearing riding apparel “broke the internet” and amazed fans»😲

American rapper Snoop Dogg, who became a special correspondent for NBC at the 2024 Olympics, “broke the internet” with his latest photos. This time, Snoop donned equestrian gear and rode a golf cart to the stands of the Palace of Versailles alongside famous American businesswoman Martha Stewart. Snoop attended the equestrian competitions in Paris and wore full equestrian attire – white form-fitting breeches, a black tailcoat, high boots, gloves, and a helmet. Martha Stewart was dressed almost identically to the rapper.

“I’m interested in the horses that dance. And I want to give them some carrots and apples… to make sure they’re full before they do their thing,” Snoop said during the NBC broadcast.

The internet is thrilled with Snoop Dogg’s look, and fans of the rapper have called him the highlight and gem of the Olympics. Here are some comments:

“I love this!!! You bring a special touch to the Olympics”;
“You’re the highlight of the games for me. You’re just a gem, and we adore your coverage of the games!”;
“You make every sport there even more fun, keep doing your damn thing!”;

“This is so cool, there are no words. Snoop and Martha. Keep going, we need good times in our lives”;
“Snoop is on a special mission at the Olympics.”

Snoop Dogg carried the Olympic flame on the last day of its journey through the streets of the French capital. Later, the rapper said that this moment was one of the happiest for him and he was honored to be the face and voice of the world in that single moment in time.

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