Can you believe they are 30 years apart? This is a mother and daughter from the USA.
Don Hubsher and Cher Hubsher live in Florida. The mother is already 60 and looks like a copy of her daughter.
Growing up, Cher was the one with the youngest looking mom.
But the similarity between them became even greater when the girl grew up.
They were increasingly considered to be twins.
Dawn has not changed with age and in the company of young people she looked like she belonged.
As an example, she was invited to a bachelorette party as one of the bridesmaids.
This made them famous; they are followed on social networks, with 75 thousand subscribers on Instagram.
But there is one drawback to all this. Even close people begin to confuse them.
So, one day, Cher’s husband, not recognizing his mother-in-law, since they were wearing the same colors, took some liberties.
But there are also a lot of advantages. Cher admitted that her husband compliments her and jokes that he knows what she will be like in thirty, and he likes it.