«So Sick And Untidy:😫 How Does The Handsome John Connor From “Terminator” Appear These Days?»💔

Edward Furlong became well-known as a young hottie, winning over viewers, particularly ladies, with his part in the classic movie “The Terminator.”

His surprising rise to fame started when he was approached by an agent while out on the town, inviting him to try out for the part of John Connor. Furlong was up against fierce competition, but he made an impression and was cast, which shot him to stardom and brought him wealth and recognition.

Nevertheless, the young actor’s triumph had a cost. Furlong struggled with alcohol and drug misuse and neglected his looks and well-being due to the demands of celebrity. Furlong made an effort to kick his addictions, but as his body changed over time, it was clear that he was never able to completely conquer them.

Photographers recently took pictures of the 45-year-old actor strolling throughout the city, nearly completely unrecognizable.

Wearing a traditional suit that did nothing to hide his protruding girth, Furlong looked rumpled, with untrimmed hair and a beard, as well as obvious indications of exhaustion.

Furlong’s look stunned online users, who had a hard time reconciling the image with the lively young actor they had known in the past.

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