The woman gave birth to twins: one of the babies is two years older than the other

Spouses Karen and James Marks have given birth to twins. You will think that there is nothing unusual.

But do not rush to conclusions.

It turned out that between the twins there is a difference of two years. But how did this happen?

The couple from Taunton, England, had their first child, a son, two years ago and the woman recently gave birth to their second child, a daughter.

The woman still did not get pregnant, as she had fertility problems and the spouses thought they would never be able to become parents.

So they turned to medicine for in vitro fertilization. After some testing, they got five viable embryos.

In 2018 their son Cameron was born and just after two years, in 2020, their daughter Isabella came into the world.

Since the embryos were implanted two years apart, it seemed like Cameron was their eldest child.

But in fact, brother and sister are considered genetic twins, because along with the other three embryos, they were conceived at the same time.

“We are very happy, after so many tries, we have two children and both are healthy.

It’s beautiful,” say the lucky parents.

Cameron adores his twin sister, the boy takes her in his arms and cuddles her.

Karen and James think Isabella may not be their last child, as they still have other frozen embryos left.

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