John Moore is a photographer who loves to dive and observe the marine world!
Last time, man was able to capture images of a wonderful and unique creature, a huge bull shark.
While the man was diving off the coast of Jupiter, Florida, he noticed a huge bull shark.
This encounter with the shark was unique because this time the shark was the biggest of his life so far.
The shark was pregnant and looking for prey for her bulldog sharks.
It was obvious that the shark was not even skipping a meal!
She was very dominant and was abnormally tall!
The diver remembers that the shark confidently approached the man!
The photographer then shared the incredible photos of their meeting on Instagram and gained popularity!
As he inspected the shark more closely, he noticed its serrated teeth.
Moore had encountered many sharks in his life, but this encounter was one of the most amazing and impressive!
What’s most interesting is that bull sharks aren’t the friendliest animals.
They are very dangerous, just like tiger sharks and white sharks.
They can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and stand up to 11 feet tall.