Oscar-winning British star Kate Winslet has been married for almost ten years, her third, happiest and longest marriage. Kate had children with each of her husbands, the most notable being her first child. This is not surprising, since she married and became the mother of her first son, as shown in the recent film Titanic.
Kate Winslet’s first husband was British director James (Jim) Triplett. Kate had acted in films since childhood and was already an established international star when they met in 1997. Jim, who works as an occasional actor and assistant director, has yet to realize his potential.
Mia Tripleton is an actress who literally grew up under the lens of the paparazzi. It is impossible not to notice that she looks more like her father than her mother.
Kate Winslet, who first worried about her weight before eliminating it, taught her daughter from an early age to love and accept herself as she is, without worrying about of its weight. In an interview, she said that she always told Mia that her figure was not a flaw, but an asset, a part of her personality, and that she should be loved, nurtured and cared for.
According to the actress, in her childhood she suffered a lot of humiliation and bullying because of her obesity and never saw an inspiring example to stop suffering from her complex. It was therefore very important for her to eliminate the traumatic factors of her daughter from an early age and to help her and the adult woman to adopt a positive image of herself.
Jim Tripton, who had a good relationship with Kate, was always present in his daughter’s life. In an interview with a reporter, he said Mia was a surprisingly confident girl who valued her own individuality. Her confidence and determination gave young Mia a good foundation and allowed her to pursue a career in acting, which is common in creative families.
The daughter of a famous actor and director (unknown but true), Mia was in the media spotlight from an early age, and at the age of 15 she declared her intention to follow following in her mother’s footsteps and becoming an actress. And she is now on her way!