Not only men want a young body by their side💗…77-year-old Cher showed off her young fiancé, from whom she received a ring.💍

The age gap is “only” forty years. The famous singer introduced her chosen one to the public, who is forty years younger than her. Some of Cher’s fans try to speak of “true love,” but it’s hard to believe in it.

Now, the singer has to stay in shape to match her fiancé as much as possible, and it must be said, she has noticeably toned up, actively exercising, and you could say she’s looking younger.

While the man next to Cher looks quite confident, she, on the other hand, either plays the role of a shy girl or genuinely seems unsure if such an age difference is really normal. Most likely, this is just a star’s quirk as she approaches her 80th birthday.

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