Transformation of a “vamp woman” into a cute beauty on “Fashion Sentence”

The stylists did a good job, but something is wrong

The heroine is 40 years old and this is an example of what a woman of this age should look like.

She has a simply gorgeous figure for 40 years old, she weighs 48 kg. At the same time, she has a child, that is, she has a pregnancy, childbirth behind her and despite this, she managed to maintain such a gorgeous figure.

The woman has a complex – she cannot perceive herself without makeup, and it is very bright, intense and vulgar. Here is her daily makeup:

Plus, she has very revealing, transparent outfits, short skirts, high heels and, in general, the image of a girl of easy virtue.

The woman does not have a husband and the hosts tried to explain to her that with her vulgar image she scares away potential life partners and attracts unsuitable men.

To demonstrate the sets she had chosen herself, she was forced to wash her face.

First independent image:

Of course it doesn’t suit her at all. Besides, I don’t believe that she really washed her face, since the signs of makeup are visible to the naked eye:

Second independent image:

Here the heroine talks about how uncomfortable she feels without makeup and even starts to cry.

Here is the second image in its entirety:

Here I made a comparison of the initial makeup and, supposedly, without makeup:

In the “no makeup” version, you can clearly see the eyeliner on the bottom and the eyeshadow on the top.

Third independent image:

Here the heroine shows us the length of the skirt that she would feel comfortable in:

Let’s see the transformation:

This time the transformation was really cool:

The woman looked at least 10 years younger.

Here’s a before and after comparison:

The hairstyle is very simple, but very stylish. I also liked the hair color – it became more noble.

The second image also looks very cool:

It can be used every day, for work and for going out.

The third image is a dress:

I really liked the earrings in this set:

I think this is one of the most successful transformations.

Let’s remember the heroine’s original appearance:

Of course, with her perfect figure it was difficult to dress her badly, but still the stylists did their best here.

In this program we were shown that there should be a measure in everything. It is necessary to take care of yourself, but still it should be done with common sense. Thank you for your attention!

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