This boy was born on November 8, 1935. This famous actor passed away this summer.You guessed who it is Read more in the comments
On November 8, 1935, a baby was born who later became, one might say, the most beautiful representative of the stronger sex of our time.
Alain was born in a suburb of Paris, 80 kilometers from Notre Dame Cathedral. His mother worked as a pharmacist.
But when her father organized a movie theater, she went to work there as a cashier. But when the boy was 3 years old, his parents separated.
Later, each of them started their own family. So the future actor had half-brothers and a sister.
Alain’s stepfather worked in a butcher’s shop, and his mother went to work there too. The parents did not have enough time for Alain, and they found a nanny for him.
It turned out that the child lived in two families. As the actor himself later said, at first he liked it, but then it seemed that no one needed him.
He studied very poorly at school. In addition, he was often involved in some hooligan behavior. And he was often fired from school. Therefore, he often changed them.
But the boy had a love for music, he played the piano. He was even awarded several times for participating in concerts. But this passion for the boy soon passed.
Then he began to study to become a butcher. After that, he worked in a butcher’s shop for three months, and then moved to work in a store.
Then there was service in the Army, which, according to the actor himself, had a positive effect on his character. After returning from service, he began working as a waiter.
And his various screen tests began.