Is the costume too revealing for the performance? But the main thing is that it covers the intimate areas and emphasizes the advantages of the figure.
The modern dance kizomba has recently reached the peak of popularity. It is a kind of mixture of Caribbean zouk and Angolan semba. This style is often confused with similar musical trends, but true experts can distinguish kizomba from hundreds of proposed options.
Such dances will not leave anyone indifferent, because they charge with positive energy. The main character in the kizomba plot is a woman. She is like an alluring pearl that attracts a man with her refined movements. The dancers control their bodies so masterfully that it is impossible to watch enough. Looking at the professional performance, you are convinced once again how sensual and sexy this kizomba is.
Some may think that the dancer has chosen an overly revealing outfit. However, look how gracefully she looks in the dance. And most importantly, there is no vulgarity. Kizomba is about passion, beauty and harmony, so do not confuse it with other genres.
Watch the video and enjoy the grace of this couple.