Her fiancé set a condition: “I’ll marry you after rhinoplasty.” The girl had the operation and…

Maria dreamed of plastic surgery since childhood, because her peers did not skimp on caustic comments, feeding the girl’s complexes.

When she met her love, thoughts about plastic surgery disappeared. Maria suddenly felt truly happy and beautiful. 

But one day the girl’s fiancé casually confessed: “I would like you to have a nose job, like my friend’s fiancée. I think it would suit you. Imagine how beautiful you will be after the surgery.”

The girl felt her heart squeeze with sadness and disappointment. “I’ll marry you after plastic surgery,” the man said in a half-joking manner. Maria decided to have plastic surgery and did not regret it. 

The girl received not only the nose of her dreams, but also compliments from the surgeon, who was clearly not indifferent to the patient. Soon the doctor decided to invite Maria on a date, and the girl suddenly said yes. 

A couple of weeks later, Maria returned the engagement ring to her fiancé, who, unknowingly, pushed the bride onto the path to a new life, where sincere love and acceptance awaited Maria. 

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