He leads her by the arm, and she looks at him as if he were God, holding her breath!

He leads her by the arm, and she looks at him as if he were God, holding her breath! 66-year-old Madonna brought out her football player fiancé, who is 38 years younger than the star. 

It seems that Madonna was angered by the commentators who called the star’s chosen one “an energy donor for an old lady.” In retaliation against her ill-wishers, Madonna published a photo without a bra, taken in the bedroom in the arms of her dark-skinned groom.

“How pathetic the rejuvenating grannies look”, “She’s gone downhill”, “Why mix her name with slop?”, “She’s a living legend”, “She shouldn’t have let herself go like that”, – I read in the discussions. Share your thoughts too.

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