Because of his huge head, Dima’s mother abandoned him right in the maternity hospital and no one wanted to adopt him.

Because of his huge head, Dima’s mother abandoned him right in the maternity hospital and no one wanted to adopt him.Read about the boy no one wanted and the life he’s carving out for himself. How does he live now??

The story of Dima’s fate, who was born with serious health problems, led to a conflict among his parents, who were expecting a healthy and beautiful child.

Unfortunately, neither the doctors nor her husband supported the depressed mother. In order to instill in her hope for recovery, they only increased her fears, telling her that her child would not be able to live long.

Under such enormous psychological pressure, the woman made the difficult decision to abandon her child.

Dima’s large head was the result of a series of problems that led to hydrocephalus…

Before leaving Dima alone, his mother had not even bothered to give him a name. The name Dima Kalekin was given to him by doctors, and it left her perplexed and in despair.

I hope this is some kind of evil joke. And if he really was called by that name, then I don’t know which of them is the bigger “cripple”…

Neither doctors nor parents thought that Dima would survive and live long, considering his serious problems. However, Dima turned out to be a real fighter! He won in a hostile environment and, observing his progress, he was discharged and sent to an orphanage.

He spent four years there, and his brothers and sisters gradually moved to new families, but no one noticed him…

At the age of four, he did not walk and could not feed himself. But he learned to say a few words and form short sentences.

One day, he was shown on TV and everything changed…

Having learned about Dima’s fate on TV, the spouses Ruth and Ernest Chavers immediately went to Kramatorsk to help this child. They completed all the necessary documents and brought Dima home to the USA!

In the new family, Dima became the seventh child and they began to call him Zebadyah. The love and care of all family members quickly helped him learn to use a spoon and talk. A sincere smile of happiness appeared in his new photographs!

His foster parents are also taking care of his treatment. At the moment, specialists have determined that hydrocephalus has not affected the frontal part of the brain, and there is no danger for Dima. Although he has a long and difficult path of treatment ahead of him, he is in caring hands and his joyful smile gives us hope that everything will be fine for him!

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