It is unlikely that 44-year-old Jessica Simpson could have imagined that a completely harmless photo carousel, which she shared on her Instagram account (banned in Russia), would cause a wave of negativity among subscribers. In the pictures, timed to coincide with the beginning of the new school year, the singer and designer poses with all of her children – 12-year-old Maxwell, 11-year-old Ace and 5-year-old Birdie.
“You make your mom smile,” Jessica captioned the post sweetly. “Continue to show up every step of the way this new school year. I’m so proud of how each of you shines in your own light and everyone around you can feel that glow.”
However, while some fans rushed to join in the congratulations, others started a heated discussion, condemning the star mom. The problem was in a small detail: the name of the school they attend is clearly visible on the children’s clothes. Not right. “Shouldn’t a responsible adult working in show business think about blurring the name of the institution where their children study?” users were indignant.
Someone noted that many celebrities’ offspring attend this school and there is no secret here. But there were many more anxious individuals among Jessica’s audience. “Blur out the name of the school, please! It’s not safe!” they begged. Well, it seems the singer decided not to give in to the general panic and was pleased with other comments – about the extremely stylish looks of her children.