Lady Gaga announced her engagement to businessman Michael Polansky in July at the Olympic Games in Paris. However, rumors that the lovers were engaged appeared back in April, when paparazzi noticed a ring of impressive size on the singer’s finger. Yesterday, the artist gave fans a better look at the jewelry.
The day before, Lady Gaga and Michael Polansky arrived at the Venice Film Festival: the couple did not hide their feelings, exchanging kisses in front of everyone. But it was not only their tenderness that attracted the public’s attention: a diamond ring worth about 578 thousand dollars attracted attention. However, as did the singer’s outfit in the style of the 60s – a mini dress with a polka dot pattern and an accent bow at the waist.
Needless to say, the decor emphasized Lady Gaga’s belly, but there was no talk of pregnancy. At the beginning of the summer, fans, noticing the singer’s rounded figure, had already congratulated her on the upcoming addition to the family, but she put an end to the gossip. “Not pregnant,” Lady Gaga commented on social media, “just desperately crying in the gym.”
Be that as it may, if not motherhood, then, I would like to believe, a wedding is just around the corner. An insider told In Touch that Gaga and Polanski, who began dating in 2019, are currently negotiating a prenuptial agreement. And there really is something to discuss: the artist has about $900 million in her account, and the groom is not poor – his fortune is estimated at $600 million.