A woman, who is striving to achieve an exaggerated and artificial look, recently shared photos displaying her appearance prior to undergoing various cosmetic procedures. The popularity of cosmetic enhancements is evident with an estimated 900,000 botox injections being carried out annually. Documenting her transformation on social media, an Austrian model, known as “Barbie,” has garnered a significant following due to her distinctive features, including prominent cheekbones and notably full lips.
Having invested more than $48,000 (over 4 million rubles) on lip fillers and other body modifications, the Austrian woman shows no signs of slowing down. Since turning 18, she has undergone numerous cosmetic procedures, including an impressive 50 to 60 lip injections and enhancements to other areas of her body. The model’s posts regularly spark discussions regarding the ethics of administering a considerable amount of fillers to patients, but such debates likely have little impact on the girl, as altering her appearance has brought her financial success and a devoted fan base.
Contrary to her current appearance, “Barbie” had a different look in the past, as several images circulating on the internet depict her before all the extensive procedures. In an interview with IGV, the Austrian explained that she used to have a more gothic appearance before embarking on her transformation journey. Her teenage years were characterized by thinner lips, heavy eyeliner, and multiple piercings, most of which have been removed since then. The model has made it clear that her aim is to emulate the appearance of a real-life doll and stated that she is “100% addicted to fillers and botox.”
Her experiments with her appearance extend beyond just her lips, as she has also received fillers in her cheeks, chin, and nose and botox injections throughout her body. “Barbie” does not have any plans to halt her quest to alter her appearance and, if feasible, intends to further enhance the size of her lips. In explaining her desire to become “more artificial,” the model confessed that she has always been drawn to a plastic appearance.