The 27-year-old top model attended the premiere screening at the Cannes Film Festival. Bella Hadid hit the red carpet in an outfit that left little to the imagination.
The star came to the premiere screening of the film “The Apprentice” directed by Ali Abbasi. This appearance was the first appearance at a social event in a long time for Bella. It’s not surprising that Hadid decided on an impressive outfit. The top model wore a tight-fitting nylon Saint Laurent dress, which amazed guests at the recent Paris Fashion Week.
A completely transparent dress did not imply the presence of underwear: that’s what happened. While the star’s breasts were in plain sight, her private parts below the waist were hidden thanks to the drapery on the hips.
Bella completed the look with a luxurious evening steal and glamorous makeup, accented by brightly lined eyes. The top model was not embarrassed by her provocative image: she posed with pleasure, allowing photographers to capture her from all angles.
The Internet began to discuss Bella’s appearance. “The most scandalous appearance in Cannes!”, “For such a figure, she can be forgiven for anything. Looks perfect,” “This outfit suits me very well,” the bloggers wrote.
Bella put her career on hold due to Lyme disease. The top model managed to overcome the disease and return to a full life.