Cameron Diaz’s daughter is already four years old, but the actress has yet to publish a single photo of her. So, if it weren’t for the paparazzi, the star’s fans wouldn’t know what little Raddix looks like at all. Despite the photographers’ efforts, they have only managed to capture a few photos of the girl since her birth. As for Diaz’s infant son, Cardinal, no outsider has seen his face at all.
Recently, the paparazzi were able to catch Diaz in Santa Barbara as she was heading somewhere with Raddix, her 45-year-old husband Benji Madden, and their younger son. This time, fans got a glimpse of the actress’s daughter, dressed in a Christmas-themed pajama set and pink boots. However, they couldn’t come to a definitive conclusion about whom she resembles more—her mother or her father.
Meanwhile, the adored son of Diaz remained unseen, as Cameron was pushing him in a stroller with the top down. The actress had announced on her social media page right after Raddix’s birth that she did not plan to share photos of her children, believing that it would ensure their greater safety and allow them to grow up peacefully. The only thing Cameron revealed when Raddix was born was that her baby was “truly very cute.”
It’s worth noting that the actress, who was 47 at the time, unexpectedly announced the arrival of Raddix in January 2020, which came as a complete surprise to fans. It turned out that the girl was carried and born by a surrogate mother, and the actress had not hinted at all about the expected addition to the family before her birth. This happened about five years after Benji and Cameron’s wedding. The news of Cardinal’s birth was equally surprising, with Diaz announcing the arrival of her son in March of this year.