Recently, Bianca Censori’s younger sister, Angelina, has been actively sharing photos on social media, often in revealing outfits. In her latest posts, Bianca joined her sister for a shoot near a white wall. Bianca, Kanye West’s wife, posed in a tight coffee-colored slip that barely covered her buttocks, while Angelina opted for lingerie by Miu Miu.
It turns out that the sisters wore these outfits to a party where Kanye West was DJing. He performed several sets and then danced with his wife to upbeat tracks. The rapper appeared relaxed at the event, smiling and socializing with guests.
Interestingly, recent reports have surfaced suggesting that Bianca not only enjoys appearing in public in semi-naked attire but is also excessively indulging in alcohol.
“Those who know Bianca can clearly see that she is currently in a difficult situation. Friends are concerned that she might be drinking to cope with being trapped in Kanye’s dark world and seeing no way out. She has never been like this before. It’s very worrying,” an insider revealed.