The Odessa quintuplets recently turned 7 years old: what the lovely children look like now

Such a miracle happens very rarely. Only once in eighty-five million births have five children been born at once. These beautiful and charming children have already grown up and celebrated their seventh birthday. Now look what they look like today

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Many were interested in their fate. So, the children have already grown up and celebrated their seventh birthday.

Many people know the main character. Oksana became famous throughout Ukraine as soon as she published pictures of her children.

Such a miracle happens very rarely. Only once in eighty-five million births have five children been born at once.

Together with her husband Sergei, Oksana was already raising the heiress Alisa. But the couple wanted another child.

Who would have known that the Almighty would give the family so many beautiful children. And if the husband showed joy during the ultrasound, then after the birth of the children he left the family.

Strangers and the state began to help the family. Petro Poroshenko presented a minibus, and Oksana received a six-room apartment as a gift.

Now the “star” family lives in Portugal. Oksana was forced to move, taking six children with her. And so it is clear that a tragedy occurred in the country, the heirs had to be saved.

“Have they really finished first grade already?” “Just recently I read that they are four years old. How time flies”, “Seven years? Each one of them is so nice and beautiful. I wonder what the fate of the children will be in the future,” “My ex-husband deprived himself of real happiness. It serves him right. If he is weak, mom will receive all the affection and love from the heirs, not he,” netizens noted in the comments.

“The guys are already seven years old, and they are just as charming as in those years,” “The father made a mistake in that he did not help and left. They are beautiful”, “A wealthy woman? Her children look just wonderful,” “Greetings to Oksana. She’s smart. Keep it up,” subscribers added.

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