Take this quick and insightful test to learn what the length of your fingers says about you. It might be the most accurate test you’ve ever tried.Choose your option and go to comments to read the result
On the Internet you can find many tests that promise to reveal your personality traits based on external signs. We suggest you try one of them. Just compare the length of the index and ring fingers on your dominant hand. Which one is longer? Or are they equal?
Option A: Ring finger longer
If your ring finger is longer, chances are you prefer to take action rather than wait. Willingness to take risks is your strong point. In addition, you have charisma and attractive appearance, which allows you to easily win the attention of others and often become a leader both at work and in relationships. Although you do not tolerate mistreatment, you are willing to forgive minor mistakes of your loved ones.
Option B: Index finger longer
If your index finger is longer, you don’t need confirmation of your self-confidence from others. You can experience happiness without the constant attention of others, and therefore most likely you can be called an introvert. Although you may not be very comfortable in large groups, you can still be a very interesting conversationalist if you dare to come out of your shell. You can be prideful at times, and although it is usually difficult for other people to hurt you, once you have offended someone, it is forever.
Option C: Index and ring fingers are the same length
If your index and ring fingers are the same length, then you most likely have impressive self-discipline. You always stick to deadlines, know how to control yourself and solve any problems. By avoiding conflicts, you try to resolve any troubles. You are honest and reliable, and keeping your promises is important to you. Your friends know they can rely on you because you always keep your word.