This magpie laughs contagiously and talks just like a human child!

You won’t believe your ears when you hear this magpie’s contagious laughter and child-like chatter. This incredible bird has captured hearts with its unique ability to mimic human sounds perfectly.

You look at these shots and really DO NOT believe your eyes! How is this possible???

A magpie that has gotten into the habit of sitting on the windowsill makes such sounds that it makes you feel uneasy. I don’t know about you, but I felt a little creepy while watching this video.

The magpie is the only currently known non-mammal that can recognize itself in a mirror, unlike, for example, a parrot, which perceives its own reflection as another parrot.

Magpies are attractive not only for their coloring and beautiful beaks, but also for the sounds they make. This is simply amazing. They are able to imitate a variety of sounds: the sounds of other birds and other species of animals. In particular, they described cases of magpies chirping like locusts, imitating the singing of a thrush, or barking like dogs from a tree. God forbid you hear something like this at night…

But just listen WHAT sounds THIS magpie makes. Simply amazing! This magpie was nicknamed Gena and she laughs and cries like a little child. You can’t even tell the difference… This infectious laughter can both amuse and scare!

Just like that, you walk along the road, and from the tree there is a child’s laughter… It’s cool to have such a Gena as your friend, you can play such a great prank on all the guests in the house!

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