A shocking photo of Kim Kardashian with a cut off finger has angered fans: what’s the matter?

🚨 Kim Kardashian’s latest photo has fans in an uproar! The shocking image shows her with a cut-off finger. What happened, and why is everyone so upset? 🤯

It seems that the Kardashian-Jenner family is experiencing a crisis of ideas for their reality show, and therefore, instead of intrigue, they decided to treat fans with shock therapy. In the new episode, Kimberly appeared without a fingertip – the star’s injury was shown close-up in the doctor’s office. The celebrity did not explain the reason for the shocking loss, but admitted that it was “more painful than childbirth.” The statement infuriated fans.

Not only, they say, that Kanye West’s ex-wife no longer knows what to base the rating on and resorts to similar tricks, but she also dares to talk about pregnancy (some of Kim’s haters are still convinced that she did not give birth to any her four children, but used the services of a surrogate mother). “More painful than childbirth? Half of her children were born to surrogate mothers. And the rest were born while she was under anesthesia. She always lies about everything”, “That’s because she never actually gave birth”, “Yeah, eating marshmallows is easier than giving birth if you’re Kim, because she just buys other people to do it for her “, “Cutting off part of a finger is nothing compared to childbirth. Oh, wait… You didn’t give birth to your children, well, maybe one or two,” wrote angry Daily Mail readers.

Others, having seen the creepy footage from the family reality show, began to build frightening conspiracy theories. Some even suggested that it was some kind of sacrifice! True, the sacrifice turned out to be very small.

By the way, the new season, as you know, was filmed at the end of last year. In recent photographs and videos of Kim on the banned social network, all fingers are intact. What is this, a hoax or a miracle of medicine?

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