This has never happened in the metro before! An ordinary trip turned out to be something that every passenger will remember for a very long time

When they gave the guy “alms,” I even felt sorry for him. How wrong I was! An unforgettable metro ride! What started as an ordinary trip turned into a remarkable event that passengers will remember for a long time.

Performances in the subway have become commonplace. Nobody pays attention to street performers and considers them freeloaders who don’t want to work. They turn away from them, insult them, and there are reasons for this.

But these men and women made the best impression on subway passengers. They staged a real opera concert right in the subway. It all started with classical music playing. Passengers began to look around and look for where it was coming from. And then one of the passengers began to sing.

A strong operatic voice sounded throughout the entire carriage, people perked up in search of the source of the sound, after the performance, a woman approached the guy to reward him with some change.

Then the girl standing at the door began to sing. She was a little embarrassed, but still managed to overcome it and sang her part perfectly. Then it turned out that there were many opera singers in the carriage, including the passenger who gave the coins to the first artist. It was great! Now there will definitely be no end to the audience! Would you like to be in such a creative subway car?

As it turned out, it was the artists of the opera house who staged a small flash mob to attract visitors. Look what they came up with!

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