A camera in this 98-year-old woman’s house showed what she was doing alone.The world cried when it learned the truth!!! You will be touched to tears when you know the truth…
This sweet 98 year old woman’s name is Mary Toney. The American lives alone in her small house and tries to while away her days as joyfully as possible. Sunlight, the wind playing with the leaves, the chirping of birds in the trees in the garden – this daily, unchanging routine caused Mary an irresistible melancholy.
Fortunately, many things changed when Mary began to visit a local center for the elderly, where her sadness left her at least for a couple of hours, which was already an almost daily holiday for her! However, on this day everything was completely different: a film crew arrived at the center. During filming, Mary felt special, expressing her emotions with genuine laughter.
The center staff tried their best to brighten up the lives of the elderly. “When they go home and don’t come back the next day because they’re gone, I try to hope that they spent the last day of their life in joy,” says a center employee. When reporters asked her why this work seemed so important to her, she simply replied: “They are real people. They need care. And they are no less important than others who are younger.”
One day, when the bus once again took Mary from home, there was even greater sadness in her eyes – loneliness left an indelible mark on her. The film crew asked what she usually does during the day. “What should I do? Where will I go? I’m alone. I can not hear. I do not see. “I can’t live with my nieces—they have their own families,” she answered with a sigh. — Every evening I look forward to the next morning so I can go to the center again. I really like it there. But on Saturdays and Sundays there is no one there.”
In a broken voice, Mary explained what she did during those two long days: “I take advertising magazines and tear their pages into strips. Then I cut these strips into small pieces, throw them into a paper bag, and then into the trash. I have to do something, otherwise I’ll go crazy.”
Upon learning this, the center staff could not hold back their tears: “I never even thought about it. After work I go home and return to my normal life. I never asked myself what they do at home.” But for Mary, loneliness is not a reason to feel sorry for oneself: “How many 98-year-old people can still stand firmly on their own two feet? I can. And I will continue as long as I have the strength.”
This weekend Mary had visitors from the center. When they left, she stood at the door for a long time, watching them go. “Thank you for coming. You gave me a wonderful day, and I will never forget it,” said the elderly woman, who visibly blossomed from the attention from others.
Attention, kisses and hugs – Mary values all this more than anything else. She knows exactly why this life is worth living, and what is actually priceless in it. Care, kindness and love – without them we would not have taken a step towards life. This is why they are so important to give to elderly people, perhaps in their last days. Maybe it’s your random smile that will brighten up their day, illuminate it with hope and leave their sorrows behind. Take care of your elders.