From simple to sensational! Discover how an American woman spent her entire savings on dramatic body modifications, completely transforming her appearance. What did she look like before all these modifications will surprise you. Why did this beautiful girl transform in such an “ugly” way.
The girl spent all her savings on a complete transformation of her appearance.
An American woman named Lina and under the nickname Cigno quit her office job several years ago, deciding to spend all her savings on an old dream – a complete transformation of her appearance. Now the girl’s body is covered with tattoos and piercings, she lives in San Francisco and works as a model.
Originally from Germany, Lina (or Cigno) has been living and working in San Francisco, USA for many years. Since adolescence, the girl has been passionate about everything related to tattoos and body modifications. Her long-time dream was to turn into a living work of art. One day, as the girl admits, something “clicked” in her head, and she began the path to complete transformation.
First, the girl took care of her weight, switched to proper nutrition and started going to the gym. Lina got her first tattoo in 2010. Now she has more than 50 tattoos on her body, including on her face and head.
The girl admits that she spent about 50 thousand dollars (a little more than 3 million rubles) on body modifications: this includes tattoos all over her body, piercings in several places, breast and nose plastic surgery.
“My first and one of the biggest transformations was losing weight a couple of years ago. I lost over 20 kilograms, changed my diet and hit the gym. One day I just realized that the only way to become what you want is to work on yourself. Every day,” the girl writes.
With the beginning of the transformation, Lina quit her office job and spent all her savings on altering her appearance. Now the girl works partly in IT technology, and most of the time as a model.
Lina is completely satisfied with her appearance, and has no intention of stopping: her immediate plans are to get a few more tattoos, as well as undergo surgery to have a forked tongue.
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