A guy with Down syndrome rushed to the rescue and saved drowning girls

A real hero!  A young man with Down syndrome became a true hero by saving two drowning girls. His quick thinking and bravery have earned him widespread admiration.What does he do now?

There is a stereotype that if a child is born different from everyone else, then he will never be strong, healthy and successful.

And this guy named Valerio completely ruins it.

The boy was born with Down syndrome. But he never heard from his parents phrases like: “You’re sick…”, “You’re not like everyone else…”, “You won’t succeed…”

They did not focus on their son’s illness, but did everything to ensure that he developed no worse than other healthy children.

When the boy was 3 years old, he was sent to swimming, and it turned out that this sport was easy for him. He was able to achieve many successes, and even took part in the Olympics.

But all his sporting achievements became secondary after he committed a very noble act.

One day the whole family went on vacation to the sea. There was nothing unusual that day; the sea was calm. But at some point it became very stormy, and during such events reverse currents often arise, especially when the waves rise.

Suddenly Valerio heard cries for help. When he looked at the sea, he saw a terrible picture: two girls were floundering in the water, and high waves did not allow them to swim to the shore and carried them further and further.

Valerio and his father, without a second’s hesitation, rushed into the raging sea. Thanks to his skills, he was able to swim out of the whirlpool and pulled out the girl. At the same time, he was able to keep her head above the water so that she would not choke.

The father managed to save the second girl. These two unfortunate bathers were only 10 years old.

If it weren’t for Valerio’s courage and skills, the little ones could have drowned.

Such a noble act became a real example for other children with this diagnosis and their parents. Valerio received an award for courage from the Minister of Sports of Italy


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