The heroine of the show “Let Them Talk,” who became pregnant at the age of 13, showed off her newborn daughter

This 13-year-old girl became pregnant and claimed that the baby’s father was her 10-year-old boyfriend. But the doctors found out that the boy couldn’t conceive a child. What does the newborn baby look like and who is her father??

A few months ago, the whole country was discussing the story of the 13-year-old heroine of the TV show “Let Them Talk.” The teenage girl was soon to become a mother and claimed that the baby’s father was her 10-year-old boyfriend Vanya.

However, after the results of the hormone test were announced, it turned out that Vanya could not yet conceive a child. After the show, Dasha said that she became pregnant by some high school student, and the girl did not give her consent to sexual intercourse.

After the release with Dasha’s story, she talked with her young boyfriend for some time, but after that, according to her, Ivan was told a lot of nasty things about her, and in the end they broke up. Dasha recently gave birth and decided to show her subscribers a photograph of her newborn daughter.

The girl’s followers decided to hold the young mother, they left her a lot of pleasant comments and wished her little daughter good health.

I would like to believe that Daria, despite her age, will become a good mother, will take care of her baby, and will protect her from rash actions.

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