😲«At a truck stop, an elderly guy was eating when three gruff-looking motorcycles entered.»😳

Three gruff-appearing motorcyclists entered the truck stop where an elderly guy was dining.

The first biker chuckled and sat down at the counter after poking his cigarette into the elderly man’s pie as they passed him.

Taking up the elderly man’s milk, the second motorcyclist spat into it. Before stepping up to the counter with the other bikers, the third one turned over the old man’s plate.

Putting down his money, the old guy stood up and walked out of the café without a word to the laughing motorcyclists. The waitress heard one of the bikers ask, “Not much of a man, was he?”

Furthermore, she was not much of a truck driver, the waitress said. Just now, he backed his large vehicle over three motorcyclists!


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