«It’s even scary to look at this photos!😱 Sitting 650 feet above the ground, construction workers are enjoying lunch and unwinding on a beam!»😮

Incredible photos from the 1930s have surfaced, showing the development of Rockefeller Center in New York City. The images show a bunch of construction workers hundreds of feet above the ground, poised atop a steel beam. The striking photos feature the employees in a variety of poses, including eating a casual lunch, celebrating with hats raised, and even just relaxing and napping.

The location is on the 69th floor of what is now the GE Building, 200 meters above sea level. The mystery surrounding the photographer adds to the intrigue. Charles Clyde Ebbets was first credited; however, this has since been disputed. The name of the photographer who captured these daring images remains unknown.

Debatable has also been the scene’s authenticity. Some people think that because the workers were courageous during the Great Depression, they risked the heights without safety precautions. The overwhelming body of evidence, however, points to the Rockefeller family staging the images as part of a marketing drive to draw tenants to the recently built complex. The laborers probably consented to participate for a fee because they had few job options during the Great Depression. Additional ideas suggest that the images may have been digitally altered.

Some experts think that to give the impression that the workers were so far up, they may have taken individual photos of them at a lower level and then overlaid those photos onto a backdrop image of the beam.
Although there is no proof to back up this notion, another theory proposes that the workers may have been professional acrobats recruited especially for the advertising shot. Whatever the techniques, these striking images capture the breathtaking scope of the Rockefeller Center project and provide a window into a bygone period of building. The workers’ seeming indifference at such a dangerous height still astounds and piques spectators.

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