Internet users are demanding an apology from Kim Kardashian. Find out what sparked this demand and the controversy surrounding her actions.
It looks like many Western celebrities will soon have to take their turtleneck out of the closet to apologize – and Kim Kardashian is no exception. The thing is that the reality show star, without knowing it, created hype on someone else’s tragedy and ridiculed Kate Middleton, who “disappeared” after abdominal surgery.
“I’m going to look for Kate,” she captioned one of her recent photos on the banned network. Many people didn’t like this joke even then, and after the news about the princess’s terrible diagnosis, the scandalous celebrity demanded an apology. Now subscribers are literally flooding Kim’s page with insults and even calling for a boycott.
“Not surprising! This woman is the biggest c***”, “She showed everyone her true face”, “Lots of dollars, but no humanity!”, “Money can’t buy a conscience”, “There will be no apologies from Kim. Their family believes that any PR is good PR,” “She is silent because she is not sorry! She didn’t delete the post, she didn’t apologize! We need to boycott KK and every company that supports it!” – users are indignant.
Meanwhile, Kim herself does not comment on the claims against her and calmly continues to post her usual content on Instagram*. For example, today the star showed off her figure in bright orange underwear.