Eh, early on we were glad that the wife of the scandalous rapper, after walking around the French capital without underwear, took the path of correction. As soon as everyone discussed Bianca’s more modest appearance in Paris and a very innocent family photo shoot from Tokyo, the girl returned, as they say, to factory settings. The other day, the couple was spotted in Los Angeles, and… Kanye’s wife again attracted the attention of the public, not without the help of a revealing outfit.
It would seem that we have already seen everything, but Bianca never ceases to amaze. It seems that this time her goal was to emphasize her similarity with the rapper’s famous ex. To do this, she dressed in a translucent black bodysuit with a piquant cutout at the butt. Indeed, from the back, one might have thought that it was Kim Kardashian, who, by the way, called Bianca’s “naked” appearances strange and asked her to be more modest in front of the children, but at the same time she herself was not without sin.
Netizens also appreciated this competition between outstanding body parts of the rapper’s current and former wife and did not skimp on jokes about what we usually call the pithy word “toad viper.” However, many seem to be tired of the provocative behavior of Kanye West and his chosen one. Users have traditionally called the musician an abuser and a tyrant, expressed concern about Bianca’s mental health and simply urged her to think about the hygiene side of the issue.
“He’s making a fool of her. No respect for your wife. And the saddest thing is that she just goes along with it,” “She looks so sad,” “I hope that the employees of the establishments she visits disinfect the chairs after she leaves,” write readers of the Daily Mail tabloid.