Recently, there are more and more details about the personal lives of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, and they themselves are becoming more and more interesting. With the release of the new music album This Is Me… Now and the documentary film of the same name, Jen blurted out many of her and her husband’s secrets, even the most intimate ones . But the matter did not end there.
Ben himself also starred in the film, which is already being quoted. There he talked about the funny nickname that his lover’s friends gave him after learning about the huge number of love letters that he wrote to her. There were so many messages for Jennifer that she even compiled a whole book of memories from them, which she showed off at every opportunity. “She says, ‘I read it to people. It’s kind of an inspiration, and I show them the book.’ I asked if you really showed all these letters to your musician friends. And she’s like: “Yes, we call you Pen Affleck (from the English pen – “handle” – Ed. ).” Then I thought: “Oh my God!” the actor complained to the audience.
Eh, and yet, no matter what they say about Ben Affleck’s gloominess next to J.Lo, he is a real romantic! By the way, apparently, against the backdrop of a love story that was successfully received by fans, the couple’s feelings intensified, and therefore the other day they were caught in a passionate kiss right in the middle of the street.