Celebrity friendships rarely withstand all the obstacles such as enviable boyfriends, battles for greater popularity and the intrigues that surround Hollywood celebrities. However, there are still exceptions that prove the rule. For example, Hailey Bieber and the representative of the famous Kardashian-Jenner family Kendall have been close friends for many years. And even competition in the modeling field is not a hindrance to them.
To prove their friendship, Kendall and Hailey performed an unusual ritual. And no, this is not buying identical pendants or tattoos with each other’s name – everything is much more interesting: the girls made a vase together in a pottery workshop and left a cast on it… of their own breasts. They embraced, tightly squeezing the vessel between themselves and thereby leaving traces of the most piquant places on it. “The friendship is sealed,” Jenner wrote on the banned social network.
By the way, it is a well-known fact that only a common enemy cements friendship better than anything else, and Kendall and Hailey have been credited with this more than once. According to numerous rumors, both equally strongly dislike Selena Gomez and do not miss an opportunity to even publicly make fun of her (sometimes Kylie Jenner joins this company of mean girls), and they also say in Hollywood that it was the Jenner sisters who contributed to the end of Selena’s relationship with Justin Bieber and the beginning of his love story with Hayley. In short, girls are girls!