Heterochromia is a phenomenon in which the irises acquire uneven shades. The brothers from the Turkish city of Bursa have incredibly beautiful eyes of different colors, which makes them stand out from the crowd. The boys didn’t like their functionality at first, but over time they grew to love their unique appearance.
Mehmet, 11, and Kerem Selman, 4, have one eye blue and the other brown. This is a consequence of a phenomenon called heterochromia.
The boys’ father, Suat Selman, took his eldest son to the doctor when he noticed the uneven color of his irises. The ophthalmologist told the man that the blue eye could have vision problems.
In humans, this phenomenon is much less common than in animals. This occurs due to a genetic abnormality in color, sometimes inherited from parents.
Mehmet says he finally fell in love with himself after having a brother with the same trait.
The boys’ parents, Suat and Esra, are happy to have such unusual little ones. Nature endows each of us with unique traits.
Sometimes they can be seen outwardly, like the Selman brothers, but more often they are hidden inside. The main thing is to appreciate your individuality and not try to become like everyone else.