After the birth of three boys, my mother still dreamed of giving birth to a girl, and fate generously rewarded her with gears.
There are nine cubs in the close-knit Waldrop family. Courtney and Eric lived together for 22 years, and during this time the woman managed to give birth to a son, twins and gears.
The parents named their first little Sailor. When my little one was 3 years old, Courtney got pregnant again, which made the couple very happy. Twins were born, also boys, Wales and Bridge.
The sons are fine, but Mrs. Waldrop always wanted a daughter and was ready to bear her. When the woman became pregnant for the fourth time, the ultrasound showed that she was to become the mother of six more babies!
“If you asked me how I felt when I learned that we would have six little ones, I would say that I probably thought it would be an impossible situation.
It’s difficult, but you just have to adapt and force yourself to work, to live according to a certain schedule. The system always and in everything is what helps us to face all the difficulties. It’s the new normal, no matter how crazy,” says Courtney.
Pregnancy and childbirth took place under the constant supervision of doctors. The cubs were born at the hospital in Huntsville, Alabama, quite weak and light in weight: each cub weighed no more than one kilogram. But experienced specialists managed to save the lives of all newborns.