Adoptive mom accidentally finds out her little ones are siblings

Katie Page from Colorado adopted a four-day-old boy, and a year later a similar baby girl. It’s been over a year since Katie discovered that her little ones were biological siblings!

After the divorce, 30-year-old Katie Page from Colorado decided to completely change her life. She changed jobs, bought a new house and, at the request of the local church, started working with traumatized little ones as a nanny and tutor.

Adoptive mom accidentally finds out her little ones are siblings

Caring for the cubs left without parents at first seemed to the woman a difficult task, but then it seriously captured her. A few years later, she realized she wanted to move on and adopt a little one left without parental care.

Soon, Katie was offered to adopt a four-day-old boy abandoned by his mother in hospital. According to doctors, his mother took medication during pregnancy, but this did not affect the condition of the little one.

Adoptive mom accidentally finds out her little ones are siblings

Katie took custody of the little one, whom she named Grayson, and cared for him for 11 months while social workers searched for his parents. “We put ads in the newspaper, but no one answered them, and no one came to the hospital to inquire about his fate,” says Cathy.

11 months later, Kathy was approved to adopt and Grayson officially became her son. And a few weeks later, Katie was offered to adopt another four-day-old baby abandoned in the same hospital – this time, a girl.

Adoptive mom accidentally finds out her little ones are siblings

“This call was a revelation, in less than ten minutes I had an answer ready, says Cathy. I called and said, ‘It’s of course crazy, but God tells me to say yes.

When the girl was brought to Katie’s house, she noticed something that immediately caught her attention. “Her mother’s name was written on the bracelet on the girl’s hand,” she said. This coincided with the name of Grayson’s mother.

Adoptive mom accidentally finds out her little ones are siblings

Then I asked for her papers at the hospital and saw that the date of birth given by the mother coincides with the date of birth of the mother indicated in Grayson’s documents. At that moment, Katie realized that, most likely, her little ones were siblings, born to the same mother.

Adoptive mom accidentally finds out her little ones are siblings

Katie managed to find the girl’s mother and meet her. She confirmed that she had given birth to another baby a year earlier, a boy she knew nothing about. Outwardly, the woman was extremely similar to Grayson. At the time of the meeting, she was already expecting her third child.

Cathy shared her discovery with the social worker supervising her, and after a series of checks, she called her adoptive mother back. “She said, ‘It’s amazing, it’s just a miracle, but the little ones are really brother and sister!’ says Kathy.

Adoptive mom accidentally finds out her little ones are siblings

Upon learning that her little ones are siblings, Katie bursts into tears of happiness. She officially adopted the girl, giving her the name Hannah. And 13 months later, their mother gave birth to another boy, abandoning him as well.

Kathy has already taken custody of the little one and is set to finalize the official adoption soon – so her big family will finally be complete!

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