When you have three children, you don’t have time to wear makeup: Julia Roberts’ remarks about motherhood

Hollywood star Julia Roberts is the mother of many children. She has three children. The eldest children, Hazel and Phineas, are twins and will turn 18 on November 28. The youngest son, Henry, is 15 years old. Her children are now adults, out of school and have their own lives.

When they were young, raising them was an important part of Julie’s life. At the time, she often said that it was difficult to be a mother of three children. Sleepless nights were nothing new to her.

“When I had children, I didn’t have a minute to myself. Before they were born, I had a lot of free time – and I wondered what I was doing with it. I certainly didn’t appreciate it at the time. Now I don’t even have time for a pedicure. Although I’m often so happy to be around the kids that I don’t even think about my nails (nobody looks at our nails).

“When you wake up at 3 a.m. to soothe your newborn twins, you feel like you’re alone in the world with them. You can barely stand up and think, ‘Am I doing the right thing? When will this be over?”

“If you have to take three young children and go out with them, you don’t have time to pick yourself up. I never felt the need to paint until I went to the store, so nothing has changed in my life in that regard. If I manage to put on eye cream before I leave the house, I already feel like a winner.”

“I’ve never had a work schedule where one shoot ends and the next begins immediately. But when you have three young children at home, you’re constantly playing: then you do puppet shows, then you read role-playing stories, then something else. My mother worked 24 hours a day from home as an actress.

“I have packets of moisturizing wipes at home. Three children is no joke.” “When I’m not filming, cleaning is my full-time job. Sure, it’s not a magical world with rainbows and unicorns every day, but it gives me great joy.”

Despite her star status, Julia Roberts takes care of her children most often alone. Like all mothers, she has good days and bad days. Sometimes they prepare lunch or dinner as a family and do something fun, and the children help with household chores. There are days when there are so many things to do at home that you have to order a home delivery service.

When the children became teenagers, it was easier at first because they were independent and I didn’t have to be with them 24 hours a day. But morally it was more difficult. Julia says it’s hard to deal with teenage issues, mood swings and the search for self. One of the things she learned for herself is that you have to learn not to worry about whether your child is a teenager.

“If you imagine the nightmares our children can face at this age, we don’t let them out of the house at all. So we have to pull ourselves together and try..

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