😳At the age of 66, the world’s oldest mother gave birth to twin boys, but her decision was met with harsh criticism.🤯

Motherhood has always been one of the most special and meaningful experiences throughout human history. It’s a life-altering journey that can either come as a surprise or as the result of years of hopeful waiting. Regardless of how it happens, motherhood is universally regarded as a blessing.

We never truly know when we’ll have children. While some women become mothers at a young age, others wait longer. Unfortunately, some are unable to have children due to various challenges. However, there is no right or wrong way to experience motherhood—every child and every mother’s journey deserves recognition and respect.

Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara’s story is an example of one such journey that defied expectations. Maria, who made headlines as the world’s oldest mother, faced significant judgment and criticism for the timing of her motherhood.

Maria, 66 years old at the time, shocked everyone when she revealed she was pregnant with twins. Her family, particularly, was stunned, especially since Maria was already well beyond the typical age of motherhood.

In 2006, Maria set a world record when she gave birth to twins, Christian and Pau, at the age of 66 years and 358 days. To finance the IVF treatments, Maria sold her house, even going as far as lying about her age, claiming to be 55 to deceive doctors at a fertility clinic in California.

Maria’s decision was not well-received by everyone, especially by her family. They criticized her as selfish, and Maria even hid her pregnancy from them for a while. When she finally told them, they initially thought it was a joke.

Despite the backlash, Maria stood firm in her belief that women should be free to decide when to have children. She explained that life circumstances sometimes push us to make difficult choices, and for her, this was the only way to achieve her long-held dream of becoming a mother.


Sadly, Maria passed away in 2009, just a few short years after giving birth to her twins, following a diagnosis of ovarian cancer. She didn’t live long enough to see her children grow into adulthood. At the time of her diagnosis, she said she hadn’t yet told her young boys about her illness.

Her family, initially critical, stepped in to help raise Christian and Pau. Her brother, Ricardo, expressed regret that Maria had waited so long to have children, but also acknowledged the love they had for the boys.

Despite her untimely passing, those who knew her, including Pilar Pinto, a local resident, reported that Christian and Pau were doing well and growing up healthily.

Maria’s decision to have children at such an advanced age remains a point of debate, but she remained confident in her choice until her last days. Her story serves as a reminder that every woman should have the right to decide when and how she wants to experience motherhood.

What do you think about Maria’s decision to become a mother at 66? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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