There is a noticeable difference when a woman with 800 tattoos shows off a new photo of herself without any ink.

When Melissa Sloan, the “most tattooed mother” in Britain, posted a picture of herself without her trademark tattoos, people were astounded by the dramatic change.

Sloan has had more than 800 tattoos since she began getting them almost ten years ago.

This mother of seven claims that she has had three tattoos per week for ten years. Most importantly, she claimed she couldn’t recall her appearance before the ink covered the majority of her face and body.

Sloan bought just £3 on foundation makeup, which she used to cover her tattoos.


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It goes without saying that her two young sons and those who were unaware of her appearance prior to the tattoos were astounded by the change, but that didn’t imply they approved of her “new” appearance.

Sloan told the Daily Star, “The kids weren’t having any of it, and none of them spoke to me that day.” It was not favorably received.

All of them ignored me and said, “Go back to your craziness, mum.” It was odd; it seemed as though they were staring at a stranger.

“It should have been the other way around, but when it came off again, they were back to normal,” she added.

The elder five of her children are not pleased with their mother’s tattoos. Sloan actually doesn’t communicate with them.

People who saw Sloan’s before and after pictures commented on how lovely she looked without the tattoos.

She claims she is at ease with her tattoos and has no regrets about them, even though trolls have called her a “smurf” or a “freak.” She simply did this as a small experiment.

Her tattoos stand for individuality, inventiveness, and resilience in the face of criticism.

Sloan is aware that not everyone will appreciate or understand her appearance, but she doesn’t care. She claims that because beauty may take different forms, her tattoos teach her kids to embrace their individuality and that she is genuine.

How do you feel about the tattoos on Melissa Sloan?

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