😲The first baby conceived using the egg maturation technology outside the uterus has been born.👏 Fertilo could change the approach to infertility treatment.

An historic event for modern medicine took place in Peru, where the world’s first baby was born using a revolutionary egg maturation technology outside a woman’s body. The birth occurred at the “Santa Isabel” clinic and marks a significant milestone. This method, developed by the American biotech company Gameto, is expected to revolutionize infertility treatment.

The technology, named Fertilo, enables egg cells to be cultivated in a laboratory setting using ovarian supporting cells created from stem cells. This process eliminates the need for women to undergo the lengthy and often painful hormonal stimulation typically required in traditional IVF procedures.

“This process replaces up to 80% of hormonal injections and significantly shortens the time needed for IVF preparation,” stated the company. The birth was made possible through an innovative approach that mimics the natural egg maturation process in the lab.

Unlike the three weeks of hormonal therapy required in traditional IVF, Fertilo completes the procedure in just three days. This makes the treatment not only more comfortable for women but also reduces the risks associated with ovarian hyperstimulation.

The scientific community has already highly praised this new technique. “This technology is a breakthrough in reproductive medicine. It opens up new possibilities for millions of women who previously could not afford traditional infertility treatments.”

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