“The world’s strongest boy”: He is already 24 years old

People used to call him “Little Hercules”

Richard Sandrak, who immigrated to the US from Ukraine 15 years ago, became the world’s strongest little boy.

Richard started exercising intensively when he was still a child. He would bench-press more than 30kg at the age of 8! He lifted 53kg at the age of 11!

He’s now 24 years old, and it would be wrong to consider him a jock.

He was regularly invited to competitions, TV shows, ads, publications, and even films when he was given the nickname “Little Hercules.” That’s the reason Richard’s family moved to California, so that their son could use his full potential.

The boy’s father, a former world champion in martial arts, kept an eye fixed on his trainings, nutrition, and routine. The man was regularly chastised for assaulting his son and placing him under too much stress.

When Richard was 11 years old, his father abused his mom, he called the police. The man was arrested and charged with domestic violence.

The teenager stopped communicating with his father and forgot who he was. He continued to train for some time, but it surely grew much less and fewer.

“I’m fairly pleased with my achievements as a teenager, I’m not embarrassed of them, and I don’t try to cover this chapter of my life from anybody”, Richard says. “I actually don’t need to dwell like that anymore. They sought to shape me as some type of pure abomination”.

Richard continues to exercise, however not as obsessively as back than. He goes for a run each morning and enjoys skating. He works as a stuntman for the fil “Waterworld”.

When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, his response was unexpected: “A scientist practicing quantum physics… or an engineer at NASA, why not?”

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